Director Mani Ratnam’s ‘Raavan’ movie featuring Abhishek Bachchan, Aishwarya, Vikram has been in the news from the day of its launch. The audio of ‘Raavan’ will be released on 24th, April and the film will hit the big screens in June. Oscar and Grammy winner A. R. Rahman composed the music for Raavan.
Raavan’ is being made in Hindi and Tamil versions with different set of actors. The Tamil version will be dubbed into Telugu which has Vikram in the male lead, while the Hindi version has Abhishek in the male lead. Aishwarya Rai is playing the female lead in both the versions.
Raavan’ is being made in Hindi and Tamil versions with different set of actors. The Tamil version will be dubbed into Telugu which has Vikram in the male lead, while the Hindi version has Abhishek in the male lead. Aishwarya Rai is playing the female lead in both the versions.
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