Prabhas and Kajal starrer ‘Darling’ movie is all set to hit the screens on April 23rd across the world. The film is currently in post production and the final touches are being done on the film. The censor of the film will be done on April 19th
Darling is being directed by Karunakaran who has earlier directed Tholiprema and Ullasanga Utsahanga. It is produced by BVNS Prasad, producer of Prabas’ blockbuster ‘Chatrapathi,’ on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra India Pvt Ltd banner.
Darling is being directed by Karunakaran who has earlier directed Tholiprema and Ullasanga Utsahanga. It is produced by BVNS Prasad, producer of Prabas’ blockbuster ‘Chatrapathi,’ on Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra India Pvt Ltd banner.
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