Balakrishna’s latest film ‘Simha’ has turned out to be a smash hit this summer. Directed by Boyapati Srinu the film was his first with Balakrishna. Parachuri Kireeti produced the film on ‘United Movies’ banner. Nayanthara, Sneha Ullal and Namitha played the lead roles in the film. Reports are flowing in from several centres across the state where Simha is breaking records and the film is well on its way to be one of the biggest hits in Balakrishna’s career. To celebrate the occasion, the team of Simha is going to organize a success meet at Cinemax Multiplex today at 7 PM in Hyderabad. Balakrishna, Boyapati Srinu and others are going to come for the success meet and address the media. Chakri had composed the music for the film. Balakrishna’s dialogues and action scenes stood out in the film.
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