Suriya is in Mumbai this week to shoot for his Hindi debut in Ram Gopal Varma’s Rakta Charitra. He is excited about this venture and is quite fond of the city life and its food. Suriya admits his Hindi isn’t quite what Bollywood requires. “I’ve an assistant with me to help me with my Hindi dialogue. Ramu sir has assured me I don’t need to worry about my dialogue. I like to say my own lines on screen without prompting or someone else dubbing for me. I’ve to see how my Hindi goes. I did have a teacher in Chennai but that bookish Hindi won’t work in Hindi films.”
Soft-spoken and very focused on his career Suriya doesn’t see Rakta Charitra as a new beginning. “I took up this offer because I respect Ramu sir and the way he attempts new kind of cinema each time regardless of failure or success. He’s got plenty of innovative ideas. I love Rangeela and Sarkar. We’ve been friends for 4-5 years. When he narrated this script to me I thought I must be part of this project. Also there will be a Tamil and Telugu version of the film. So I thought I’d get a chance to simultaneously be on home ground and try something new.”
Soft-spoken and very focused on his career Suriya doesn’t see Rakta Charitra as a new beginning. “I took up this offer because I respect Ramu sir and the way he attempts new kind of cinema each time regardless of failure or success. He’s got plenty of innovative ideas. I love Rangeela and Sarkar. We’ve been friends for 4-5 years. When he narrated this script to me I thought I must be part of this project. Also there will be a Tamil and Telugu version of the film. So I thought I’d get a chance to simultaneously be on home ground and try something new.”
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