Ranbir Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra and the rest of the cast and crew of Anjaana Anjaani got a surprise from the film’s producer Sajid Nadiadwala recently. The whole team has been shooting in Las Vegas for a while now and have been unable to take advantage of the city’s famous casinos due to their busy schedule.
In fact, they even shot in a casino a few days back. But once the scenes were canned, Sajid told them that the casino was theirs to play with for the whole night. So the entire team went berserk trying their hand at the various games from the roulette to blackjack to slot machines. Much to everyone’s astonishment, Ranbir had great luck and won almost everything. Priyanka came a close second. However, even the losers did not have to worry about bankruptcy, as there was no real money involved.
In fact, they even shot in a casino a few days back. But once the scenes were canned, Sajid told them that the casino was theirs to play with for the whole night. So the entire team went berserk trying their hand at the various games from the roulette to blackjack to slot machines. Much to everyone’s astonishment, Ranbir had great luck and won almost everything. Priyanka came a close second. However, even the losers did not have to worry about bankruptcy, as there was no real money involved.
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