Legendary director K.Vishwanath’s new film with ‘Allari’ Naresh has begun its second schedule shooting in Kerala. The first schedule of the film was recently held in Guntur. Recently second schedule also started and it will go on till March 16th in Chalakudy and Allepey areas in Kerala. After that they will wrap up the shooting in Vizag."
Naresh and Manjari are playing the hero and heroine in an yet to be named film being produced by Harigopala Krishnamurthy and Peela Neela Tilak on the banner of Sri Raja Rajeswari Films Pvt Ltd, with the blessings of Cherukuri Kausalendra Rao. The film is being presented by Sri Rajarajeswari Someswara Productions.Speaking to the media, director K Viswanath says, "We shot a major part of the film in Hyderabad and Annavaram during our first schedule. So far we have completed three songs and some key scenes. The song which is being choreographed now would be the first song in the movie. Manisharma scored melodious tunes to all the songs and they had good literary values. This would be an entertainer on the lines of my earlier films ‘Subhodayam’ and ‘Sitamahalakshmi’. We will wrap up the shooting by May. There are a total of six songs in this movie."
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