Balakrishna starrer ‘Simha’ shooting resumed today near Hyderabad after it was stalled yesterday. The shooting of this film was disrupted earlier after a group of people created a ruckus in the name of Telangana. Today the shooting resumed amidst heavy police protection. The producer of the film appealed the agitators to not target film shootings as it’s not just about the hero, there are several other members in the crew who are dependant on the film’s shooting. Several other members of the crew also expressed their dissent on these disruptions and claimed that their daily livelihood is being affected. Boyapati Srinu is directing the film. Parachuri Kireeti is producing the film under the ‘United Movies’ banner. Nayanatara, Namitha and Sneha Ullal are acting opposite Balakrishna in this film. The producer of the film said that the film is being planned for a summer release on April 9th.
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