Aamir Khan has not only captured films in a big way but firm his foot in the ad world too. By bagging an endorsement deal of Rs 35 cr, Aamir left behind his counter parties, the Bachchans and the other Khans. As per the deal, he will have to appear for allotted numbers of media shoots, press advertisements and personal appearances. This is the biggest endorsement deal that Bollywood ever had.
According to advertisement guru Prahlad Kakkar, "That is a hell of a lot of money to pay. Aamir has indeed come a long way. But it isn`t surprising; he brings a great degree of single-minded exclusivity to a brand. Associating with Aamir is also a plus for the product in another sense because he is very particular about the script, his own image and the image of the product he endorses."
Aamir is also the brand ambassador of products like Parle, Coca-Cola, Tata Sky and Samsung.
According to advertisement guru Prahlad Kakkar, "That is a hell of a lot of money to pay. Aamir has indeed come a long way. But it isn`t surprising; he brings a great degree of single-minded exclusivity to a brand. Associating with Aamir is also a plus for the product in another sense because he is very particular about the script, his own image and the image of the product he endorses."
Aamir is also the brand ambassador of products like Parle, Coca-Cola, Tata Sky and Samsung.
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